Types of Entity for Registration in Thailand
Representative Office: Research only & Non-revenue generating
Branch: like Foreign registration & Can generate income
Limited Liability Company: Standard limited company
BOI Promotion: Specific eligible activities approved by Board of Investment
Considerations for Business in Thailand
What kind of business you are going to run in Thailand?
Will you 100% own the Thai company or there be a potential Thai partners?
Will the business involve the eligible activities (https://www.boi.go.th/index.php?page=eligible_activities) ?
Will you allocate staff from home country to Thailand?
How much capital available to invest in Thailand?
Tax Types
Companies incorporated in Thailand are taxed on worldwide income. A company incorporated abroad is taxed on its profits arising from or in consequence of the business carried on in Thailand.
The corporate income tax (CIT) rate is 20%. However, if company with paid-up capital less than 5 million baht, the tax rate would be lower.
Tax Filing and Payments
Any Thai or foreign company carrying on business in Thailand must submit their tax returns (CIT 50/51 form) and payments twice a year.
For the International Transportation Business, a company shall submit tax return (CIT 52 form) and payment within 150 days after the closing date of the Accounting Period (which shall be within 12 months from its incorporation date)
Need Assistance?
Please feel free to contact us at info@rbcs.com.hk
RUMBLE CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED (Company No.3055304) is a holder of TCSP License No.TC007775 which is granted to carry on company service business in Hong Kong. RBCS is also a proud member of One SMP LLP, an ASEAN based accounting and business advisory group dedicated to serving SMEs around the world wanting to do business in Asia. ASEAN consists of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei, Lao PDR and Myanmar.