Business in South Korea
Population: 51.8 million (2020)
GDP: US$ 1.631 Trillion (2020)
Inflation Rate: 2.6% (Aug 2021)
Unemployment Rate: 2.8% (August 2021)
Minimum Wage: KRW8,720/hour
Personal Income Tax: 45%
Corporate Tax: 25%
3 Ways of Establishing a Business
Liaison Office - business contacts only
Domestic Branch Office - business within the permitted scope
Foreign Invested Company - no restrictions
Major Taxes Related to FDI
National Tax
Corporate tax
Wage and salary income tax
Capital gains tax
Securities transaction tax
Customs duty
Local Tax
Acquisition tax
Registration and license tax
Property tax
Automobile tax
Local income tax
Local education tax
Incentives - Tax Reductions and Exemptions
General Investment and Investment in Facilities for Commercialization of new growth technologies
Acquisition Tax and Property Tax
Custom Duty, Individual Consumption Tax and Value added Tax
Business cities, special zones for R&D, or other special industrial zones
Companies increasing jobs
Startups in employment or industrial crisis areas
Startup SMEs and SMEs