A comprehensive exercise to rewrite the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) was launched in mid-2006 with the aim of modernising Hong Kong's company law and further enhancing Hong Kong's status as a major international business and financial centre. Following five rounds of public consultations and numerous discussions during a series of public forums and seminars over the years, the 《Companies Bill》 was finalised and introduced into the Legislative Council ("LegCo") on 26 January 2011. A Bills Committee to scrutinise the Bill was formed in February 2011. After 44 meetings lasting a total of over 120 hours and consideration of over 200 papers or submissions (available on the website of the Legislative Council), the Bills Committee completed its scrutiny of the Bill in June 2012. On 12 July 2012, the Companies Bill was passed by LegCo.
Highlights on Key Changes