F A Q s
Hong Kong Company
Q: I am a foreigner. Can I incorporate a HK company?
Yes, foreigner is welcome to incorporate a HK company for doing business since there is no restriction on nationality
Q: How long it takes for HK business registration?
It only takes one (1) working day to complete the registration
Q: Any requirement as Founder Members?
At least one (1) founder member - Natural person (18 year-old or above) or Corporate body
Q: Any requirement as Directors?
At least one (1) director who is a natural person (18 year-old or above) and Corporate Director can be appointed afterwards
Q: Any requirement as Company Secretary?
Ordinarily reside in Hong Kong and cannot be Sole Director at the same time
Q: Can the registered office be situated outside Hong Kong?
No, the registered office must be situated in Hong Kong
Q: Any requirement for HK Company Name?
Must be ended with "Limited"
Not be duplicate or similar to another HK companies
Approval is required for words like "bank", "stock exchange", "CPA"
Q: Can I register a company with Chinese name ONLY?
Yes, this can be registered with a Chinese name only, English name only or both an English name and a Chinese name
Q: Can I change the company name after Incorporation?
Yes, the company name can be changed after incorporation